Longhorn Fashions Giveaway on AdoredAustin.com
6th Oct 2010
My absolute favorite blog, www.adoredaustin.com, is having a Longhorn Fashions giveaway this week! The blog is written by Indiana Adams, a brand new mom, actress, and writer. She blogs about fashion, Austin, events, beauty and decor. Her dynamic personality and wonderful style shine through on her blog and I am over the moon to be included in her post!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Giveaway: Longhorn Fashions
Something that is abundantly clear on this blog is my love for this city. However, here's something that I'm probably going to get flamed for: I'm not a big fan of college football (eeeek!) although I'm pretty sure I have the class of 2032's UT football kicker here at my house.
On game days, the city is awash in a sea of burnt orange t-shirts, but a better/ cuter solution to wearing a shapeless t-shirt to the game is shopping LonghornFashions.com. Tessie, the owner, is a young entrepreneur who graduated from UT with dreams of owning her own shop one day. She combined her love of internet marketing and launched Longhorn Fashions, which is an adorable e-boutique selling affordable, fashionable, UT orange clothing, jewelry, and accessories. Because we both adore this city, she has kindly offered to do a great giveaway here on Adored Austin. UT fan or not, you could win the SXSW clutch or the It's a Hoot ring: